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Chris Haddad – The P.I.G. Method

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Chris Haddad – The P.I.G. Method

Chris Haddad – The P.I.G. Method


The P.I.G. Method: How To Craft Punched In The Gut Copy And Cash-Sucking Stories That Have Them BEGGING To Buy From You!


Here’s EXACTLY what you’ll get with The P.I.G. Method and how it’ll change your business and your life =-)

What exactly is “The P.I.G. Method”?

The P.I.G. Method (“Punched In The Gut”) is the copywriting and storytelling course that people have begged me to create for TEN YEARS.

It’s the culmination of my 16 years as an “Elite” direct response copywriter in a FREAKISH number of niches, and it’s where I reveal the deep and crazy secrets I’ve used to understand the market on a downright DISTURBING level, allowing me to DOUBLE and, in some cases, QUADRUPLE the conversion on projects I work on… turning many projects into COLD TRAFFIC MONSTERS… transforming “So So” offers into Clickbank Number Ones and making a LOT of people HORRIFYINGLY RICH in the process (heck, it’s made me MILLIONS as well). That’s fantastic!)

The key to The P.I.G. Method is developing “deep empathy,” which allows you to CONNECT with your market more deeply than any other copywriter or marketer, giving you a RIDICULOUS, unfair advantage.

Here are some examples of what The P.I.G. Method has done for me, my clients, and those who have learned from me.

What exactly is the P.I.G. Method?

The primary P.I.G. Method training is divided into T.W.O. modules (or halves).

Module 1 is called “Mind Reading Your Market,” where I open my mind and teach you my entire step-by-step process for understanding your market on a genuinely PRIMAL level that goes WAY beyond the standard “create an avatar” type of thing.

My “12 Haddonic Apostles” (the first 12 people allowed into the group to review it – if you go to our pre-launch F.B. group and look in “Media,” you can see their breathless, overwhelmingly positive reviews) all agree that this is the most PROFOUND dive into human psychology, behavior, and motivation they have EVER seen in any marketing or copywriting course.

(They also say the videos are HILARIOUS and fun to watch, which makes DOWNLOADING what I’m teaching into your brains WAY easier.)

Mind Reading Your Market is broken down into FOUR distinct lessons…


1. Lesson one is where I explain the truth about primal, evolutionary emotions, why stories are the “operating system of the human mind,” what truly motivates people (and why most copywriting programs have NO IDEA what makes people buy), and where I tell you story after story about how the P.I.G. method has dramatically increased conversions and made millions for offer owners.

Some of the letters I discuss in that lesson are:

I used the P.I.G. Method on Power 4 Home years ago to increase conversions on a “pretty good” letter by over 70% overnight…

By using my “Benefit Transformation” method, I could change the letter from one about “saving money on power” to one about a man PROTECTING HIS FAMILY.

Because of The P.I.G. Method, that letter became a Clickbank Number 1 for TWO FREAKING YEARS and (this is true) only lost its top spot because my client GOT OVERWHELMED BY THE FREAKISH SUCCESS OF AN OFFER MAKING 2 – 4 THOUSAND SALES PER DAY.

Flat Stomach Repair, where I turned a “get abs” product into a story about a man on a MISSION to save his wife, marriage, and the love of his life after a terrible car accident…

THAT LETTER ALSO RANKED FIRST ON CLICKBANK FOR OVER A YEAR, transforming my client Todd Lamb from a low-wage cop to a multi-millionaire who flies helicopters!

Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever, in which I took one of my “standard benefit” V.S.L. scripts from years ago and used the P.I.G. Method to (literally) QUADRUPLE conversions overnight.

and several others (several more MANY MILLION DOLLAR SELLERS.)

2. Lesson 2 is titled “The Deep, Irrational Desires of Your Market,” and it contains my suite of Psychological Tools that will allow you to PENETRATE through surface-level “wants” to the anxiety, agony and wonder that your customers have BUBBLING in their hearts all day, every day…

So many copywriters get this completely wrong, costing them SO MUCH MONEY and SO MUCH in potential fees.

Pauline Longdon calls this a “master class in emotion” and claims that she learned a version of it from me years ago and that it has completely transformed her career.

3. In Lesson 3, I reveal the incredible power of using The 7 Deadly Sins to instantly discover your market’s true (and dark) desires, even if you have no prior experience in a niche… even if you have the understanding of a dead rat…

It is a “Plug and Play Emotion Crack” for your V.S.L.s and sales letters.

I’m not sure if you know the guys from VShred, but they told me at Copy Accelerator that discovering an earlier (and far inferior) version of this tool from a speech I gave years ago was WHAT GAVE THEM THE PSYCHOLOGICAL AND EMOTIONAL JUICE CREATE A COMPANY THAT DOES OVER $100 MILLION PER YEAR (and it only took a few years.)

4. The fourth lesson is titled “The Empathy Game,” where I explain the TRUE meaning of empathy… I’ll help you get in touch with your light and dark emotions, dreams, and fears, and I’ll give you a simple hypnotic exercise.

For example, do you know the REAL reason I’ve sold over 100,000 copies of my Text Your Ex Back program?

I know that the REAL hot button for that market is NOT getting their ex back… No, it’s convincing their ex to beg for THEM back. And it is because of this understanding that T.X.B. has annihilated every other ex-back product on the market (and that offer was a C.B. top 10 for like 5 freaking years.)

Most people completely misunderstand the concept of empathy. Hence, you FEEL what they are feeling, even if you’re a 5-foot-tall 25-year older woman selling to overweight, conservative men. (I became a MILLIONAIRE in my Digital Romance business because of my ability to “transform” myself into a 40-year-old woman with a broken heart.) Still, I use “Method Acting For Marketers” to help you psychologically TRANSFORM into your prospect.

Even if you never get to the second half, by the end of Module 1, you will have almost psychic superpowers when understanding your market and seeing dramatic increases in conversions.

The P.I.G. Method Action Beat Map and my complete storytelling and creation formula, which I’ve used to produce P.I.G. stories SHOCKINGLY quickly, are both revealed in Module 2 of this course (and dramatically increase conversions every time.)

In Module 2, I’ll teach you…

  • How to decide who the hero/narrator of your story is… why having the “product creator” as the hero is sometimes a RELALY bad idea and the EXACT 4 types of heroes you should use in a P.I.G. story and (and this is really valuable) EXACTLY what story you tell for each type of hero (messing this up and using the wrong hero for your product can literally destroy your sales.)
  • How to discover the VILLAINS of your story… the simple method that allows you to discover who your market feels OPPRESSED by… why everyone has a VICTIM MENTALITY and how to use that to make buying your product feel like an HONORABLE and NECESSARY thing to do in the fight against “EVIL” (seriously.)
  • A REALLY BIG ONE — Next I’ll teach you how to determine what the MOMENT OF CRISIS and P.I.G. Line that opens your story and hooks your reader should be.If I’m famous for anything in this business, it’s these PIG LINES that use deep emotional hooks to force your project to watch your video or read your letter.


You know, lines like “He kissed me like his sister, and I knew I was alone again” from Make Him Worship You, “Talk Dirty.” To me, he said on our year anniversary: “LLanguage of Desire,” “Daddy, I’m Cold” from Power 4 Home, “She Woke Up Screaming, that’s what I remember the most. That’s what shattered my heart into a million pieces” from Flat Belly Fix, among many others.

I’ll show you EXACTLY how to choose the MOST POWERFUL and EMOTIONALLY DRAMATIC MOMENT OF CRISIS… why a chipped nail can be more DRAMATIC than a car accident… and why a P.I.G. story is NEVER about what “happens” but ALWAYS about how “what happens” EMOTIONALLY impacts the narrator.

THEN I walk you through the exact process of converting the Moment of Crisis into your own “P.I.G. Line,” which summarizes the entire story up to this point in just a few words. It’s fine art. It isn’t easy. But I’ll show you how to do it correctly.

After that, I’ll show you how to:


“Set the Table” for the big CHOICE your narrator will make to TAKE CONTROL of their life and solve their BIG PROBLEM…

  • Bring your narrator to an emotional place where they must make The Choice to either GIVE up and accept that their BIG PROBLEM will never be solved, or get up and GO OUT TO CHANGE THE WORLD (which creates incredible ADMIRATION in your prospect so they want your narrator to LEAD them)…
  • How to create the right “Dead Ends” where the VILLAINS of your story do everything they can to DEFEAT your Hero…
  • How to make the HOOK and MECHANISM of your offer into “Secrets and Magic” that fundamentally transforms the hero… their way of looking at the world… and incredibly SOLVES their Big Problem in a way that dramatically raises your prospect’s feeling of HOPE.
  • The exact AMAZING RESULTS your project gets, that RELIEVES their terrible anxiety and low self esteem and gives them both what they THINK they want and what they REALLY want (even though they have no idea what that is… but you do because I give you the TOOLS…
  • How to “Let The Secret Get Out” so it transforms the lives of the Hero’s friends, family and those who admire them… PROVING that your incredible product works for a wide range of people and “Broadening the Lust” for it.From there you PITCH the offer and used the Emotional Callback to future pace your product to their “Dream World” so it’s literally PAINFUL not to buy.THEN I give you an AMAZING lesson where I show you, step-by-step, word by word how to add EMOTIONAL DRAMA into your writing so prospects are swept away by your words, even if you had the emotional intelligence of Lt. Data before you met me.WHEW!

Here’s My Promise To You…

If you go through the P.I.G. Method, give yourself over to what I teach you, DO THE HOMEWORK and use your ACCESS TO ME to pick my brain and get feedback you will have a nuclear missile attached to your keyboard that allows you to “Blow Up” prospect’s and create INSANE emotional desire for what you sell. (Seriously. Look how I got you hopped up during the launch.)

But That’s Not All! I’ve Also Got INSANELY Valuable Bonuses For You (Seriously, this package is absolutely crazy.)

Bonus 1 is my complete “VSL Workshop Course.”

“VSL Workshop” was the very first marketing course I ever created…

I did it once ten years ago, changed the lives and careers of my students and then got WAY too busy being Michael Fiore and getting sick to ever do it again…

While P.I.G. focuses on EMOTIONAL DEPTH and STORIES, VSL Workshop gives you the “Haddad Version” of copy and sales video fundamentals…

That means in VSL Workshop you get to discover…

  • The THREE most powerful ways to OPEN your VSL (while the PIG line lead is VERY powerful and your VSL NEEDs to have PIG line to open the story section of your VSL, there are many cases (and certain niches) where you have to have the right to truly get the sale.
  • How to write “Haddad Style Bullets” that drag your prospects towards the sale like a tractor beam (and NOBODY writes bullets using the profound psychological formula I do)…
  • How to choose what bonuses will MULTIPLY the value of your offer… Where and WHEN in your letter to present your bonuses…. How much copy to have in your bonuses how most copywriters MESS BONUSES UP so that they DETRACT from the sale and what “perceived value” to give each bonus.
  • The Art of Price Justification and how to use “apples to oranges” comparisons to make even the most expensive product seem like a ridiculous steal…
  • The Crossroads Close and how to use it to transport your reader to two different worlds… one where their life continues on the painful path it’s on now… and another where they live a life of POWER and HAPPINESS where they go to bed every night GRATEFUL that they gave you their money.And MUCH more. Including EVERY SINGLE webinar session and call I did when I created this course.VSL Workshop was $1,500 when I first released it and that was WAY too cheap. But I didn’t have quite the name I have now. Anyway, the ONLY way to get any of this course is as a bonus for P.I.G.

Bonus 2 is my INSANE “Chris Haddad Ultimate Swipe File.”

If you aren’t SALIVATING at this then I don’t think you should call yourself a copywriter anymore.

Here’s the deal: Many folks have been SCOURING the internet for some of my older and more POWERFUL letters for YEARS with no luck…

BUT as part of this course I decided to “Open The Kimono” and give you EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF COPY I HAVE WRITTEN OVER THE LAST 16 YEARS ON MY COMPUTER…


That means…

  • ALL of my VSL and sales letter scripts…
  • ALL of my AR and broadcast EMAILS.
  • MULTIPLE VERSIONS of some of my biggest and best letters so you can see how the TRANSFORM during the process.
  • The very first sales letter I ever wrote (and man you can learn a lot from that if you compare it to what I do now)…

And HUNDREDS OF PAGES of other stuff that you can go through at your leisure to LEARN my techniques, copy the DEEP STRUCTURE of my work (but not the exact words. Don’t steal) and MUCH, MUCH more.

I’ve NEVER given ANYONE the chance to get this before, but it’s easily worth $10k or more to motivated copywriters who know diamonds when they see them.

Bonus 3 is DIRECT ACCESS TO ME through the P.I.G. Buyer’s ONLY Facebook Group.

Listen, I know what you REALLY want is my personal attention so I can look at what you’re doing, give you feedback, help you really get into the EMOTIONS of your market, flat out TELL YOU what the emotional drivers of your niche are (I lay out the EXACT emotions for 4 niches in P.I.G. and I’ll do more as we go forward) and more.

If you are a P.I.G. BUYER all you have to do is post in the group, interact with your fellow Piggies and I’ll personally answer all of your questions.

Bonus 4 is FIVE Multi-Hour LIVE calls with me and your fellow Piggies where I will do LIVE hotseats (where I will rip apart your copy and massively improve it – I charge $3k and hour to do consults and you’ll get WAY more than that value here).

Every other week for TEN weeks we will do these calls and I will STAY ON THE LINE UNTIL I COLLAPSE OR YOU ARE SATISFIED. I’m aiming to overdeliver in a way that EMBARRASSES every other marketing and copy “guru” out there.

Bonus 5 is SIX “Deep Dives” into my biggest and most profitable letters where I spend OVER AN HOUR EACH going through the copy WORD BY WORD and LINE BY LINE.

I explain EXACTLY why each sentence is composed like it is… why each WORD is chosen… what EMOTIONS I am massaging in the prospect… how and WHY the moment of crisis and P.I.G. line were chosen… HOW each bullet was chosen… WHY the price is what it is…MAN, it’s EVERYTHING.

I have given Deep Dives like this to my Affiliates in the past and have been told OVER and OVER “Chris, this video is better than most $2k courses out there, it’s AMAZING.” (Completely true. If I had time I would go find their messages =-))

And finally…

Bonus 6 is something I am ONLY announcing NOW because I wanted to surprise you and make you nuts.

If you are one of the lucky to enroll in P.I.G. I will Flat Out GIVE YOU my upcoming “Facebook Fomo Formula” training where I take you through EVERY detail on how I created a god damn FRENZY in my Facebook group and pulled off this CRAZY launch for a HIGH TICKET PRODUCT with NO Affiliates, NO LIST and NO PAID TRAFFIC AT ALL…

Actually, even better, you are going to help me CREATE this course because YOU are going to be right there with me on webinar calls where I explain EXACTLY what I was thinking every step of the way…

EXACTLY why each email was written the way it was…

How I used both real and “Fuzzy” scarcity to get folks all hopped up on goofballs…

How I got group members to SELL EACH OTHER on the course…