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Jon Anthony – Blog Money Blueprint

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Jon Antony – Blog Money Blueprint


Let me show you how I make $47,338.81 per month in passive income while only working 30 minutes per day…

I’m Not A Writer, But I Run My Blog (And You Can Too!)

It’s time to build a recession-proof, COVID-proof, and LIFE PROOF online income that PASSIVELY generates $5,000 or more monthly!

When you purchase the Blog Money Blueprint course today, you will receive the following:

  • Generate Passive Income – Learn EXACTLY HOW TO GENERATE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN PASSIVE INCOME PER MONTH (So You Can Make Money While You Sleep!)
  • Quit Your 9-5 Job – Discover How Students All Over The World Are Leaving The Rat Race Forever And Earning A Six-Figure Income Working Online From Home!
  • Step-by-Step Guide – Peek Behind The Curtain As I Reveal The EXACT Process I Use To Earn Over $15,000 Per Month From A Blog!

Module 1 – The Blogtrepreneur’s Mindset

This module will teach you the “mindset secrets” that every successful blogger knows… and that, once understood, will assist you in building a 6-figure blogging empire.

  • Because they begin with the wrong mindset, 99% of new bloggers fail. I’ll teach you how to think, plan, and strategize like a millionaire blogger, so you can execute quickly and build bulletproof business confidence.
  • Transform your blog into a profitable business with my mental success blueprint that makes failure nearly IMPOSSIBLE! (By the way, this level of advanced personal development will eliminate virtually all roadblocks and distractions in your life.)
  • Learn the EXACT goal-setting process that I employ so you will never be lost or confused about what to do next. EVERY successful person I know practices some variation of this. And I’ve carefully designed this process to assist you in gaining unstoppable momentum, allowing you to earn more and more each month. You’ll be surprised at how much money you can potentially earn in just a few weeks.
  • You must achieve three key milestones for your blog to earn six figures in its first year. Missing even one of these is a death sentence. If you nail all three, you could be on track to earn at least $100,000 per year in less than 90 days.
  • The importance of action far outweighs that of theory. That’s why I’ve broken down this course into simple, actionable steps to ensure that nothing holds you back or slows you down. The sooner you get your blog up and running, the sooner you can turn in your 2-weeks, give your boss the birdie, and never work another 9-5 again.
  • If you follow all of my instructions and adopt the mindset outlined in this module, you’ll have a blog filling your bank account before most newbies can even write their first article.

Module 2 – The 5-Step Blogging Blueprint

This module will teach you the simple 5-step process that dozens of guys have used to go from “zero” to “6-figure blog” in less than a year! There’s no need for guesswork when you can follow the EXACT 5-step process I used to grow my blog from $0 to over $15k per month!

  • Building a million-dollar blog is simpler than you think (though phony “gurus” like to complicate the process to make themselves feel better). I’ve broken down the process of building a profitable blog into five critical steps that make it simple, quick, and nearly impossible to mess up.
  • Utilize the NICHE’s power. I’ll explain why creating a blog around a specific niche makes blogging easier while also building a loyal audience that hangs on your every word. I’ll even give you examples of good and bad niches along the way so you know exactly what works and what doesn’t (more on niches in a second).
  • What kind of content should you produce? Guides? Reviews? I’ll show you how to use the “Golden Ratio of Content.” This brilliant shortcut shows you exactly what you should write to increase traffic and profits.
  • WARNING: Discover the most common MISTAKE new bloggers make in their first 3-6 months. This blunder forces them to give up before making a single dollar online.
  • Can’t you come up with a niche for your blog? Don’t worry, I’ll give you a dozen hand-picked niches to choose from so you don’t have to second-guess yourself.
  • Excessive or insufficient monetization can KILL your blog. I’ll show you the “sweet spot” that keeps the money coming in a while keeping your audience satisfied. You’ll strike the ideal balance so that you never stifle your own profits or turn away a single visitor.
  • Learn how to attract a TON of new visitors to your blog without being glued to the keyboard constantly pumping out new content. I use this simple trick to bring in 4,000+ new readers to my blog daily!

Module 3 – Finding A Profitable Niche

The more specific your niche, the more wealthy you will be. This module will teach you how to find the perfect niche for YOU, how to make thousands of dollars online, and how to do it while writing about something you enjoy!

  • Use the “3 F’s” to find the ideal niche. If you nail this, writing posts will be 10x easier, drive exponentially more customers to your blog, and money will come in like clockwork every month.
  • I’ll explain why you should NEVER try to build a “brand” when you’re first starting out, and why this poisonous mindset will RUIN your chances of success before you’ve even thought of your first big blog.
  • Discover the secret to the EXPLOSIVE growth that will attract readers like a magnet and earn you $3,000 per month in your first 6 months of blogging.
  • Beat the big companies at their own game — WITHOUT directly competing with them. You’ll learn how to outwit industry titans (as well as every other blog in your niche). You will not compete; you will dominate.
  • Find a “low-effort, high-reward” market niche. One with little competition and enormous profit potential. With an army of loyal fans BEGGING to buy whatever your blog sells, you’ll capture the market and make it yours. (I’ll show you three tried-and-true ways to make money with a blog).

Module 4 – Building Your Blog from Scratch

Get everything you need to launch your blog while skipping over time-sucking tasks. It doesn’t get any easier and faster than this.

  • Don’t know how to code? Don’t worry. I’ll guide you through the entire process, from start to finish. You’ll see how a professional blog is built from the ground up so you can get yours up and running ASAP (all without forking over a fortune for help).
  • First, I’ll show you how to pick an irresistible domain (the name of your blog). Something memorable that will get your niche frothing at the mouth to see what you have to say. Then I’ll show you the #1 registrar service to push it live for less than a cup of coffee (most waste hundreds of dollars on this service).
  • SCARY TRUTH: some of the most talented bloggers in the world don’t make a dime online due to the look and feel of their websites. Discover how to pick the perfect “theme” (how your website looks) that makes your blog wildly attractive to your audience. After this, you’ll have a slick-looking site that people will go out of their way to visit.
  • Should you get a free theme or invest in a premium theme? Here I’ll show you my top 3 recommended free themes and 2 paid themes​that give you the best bang for your buck. You’ll have a professional-looking blog, no matter your budget.
  • There are 7 mission-critical plugins you NEED to run a successful blog. Plugins (they’re like apps for your blog) can help you generate free traffic, build trust with your audience, unlock profit-boosting data, and MUCH MORE. With these seven plugins, you’ll have all the info you need to make big money right at your fingertips.
  • And I’ll even show you how to install everything. I’ve included over-the-shoulder videos of me going through every step, so you can set up your blog and launch it with ZERO stress.

Module 5 – How to Monetize Your Blog

TRANSFORM YOUR BLOG FROM “LIVE” TO “LIVING” IN ONE NIGHT. Here, we’ll reveal three proven revenue streams that can bring in a lot of money on their own — and can even be combined to MULTIPLY your income.

  • PAY ATTENTION if you want to quit your day job as soon as possible! To monetize your blog, you’ll need to master the three simplest strategies. I’ll give you a crash course in digital products, affiliate marketing, and coaching services. You’ll have a solid understanding of each to grow your business with multiple income streams.
  • I’ll also show you the three biggest mistakes I made when I first started monetizing my blog and how falling into the same traps can SUCKER your progress. You’ll discover which pitfalls to avoid and how to get through this process as quickly and smoothly as possible.
  • Funnels are their wild world. I’ll show you how to create the perfect sales funnel for each revenue stream, so you can seamlessly drive traffic (new customers) to your blog, content, and money-making services. It’s simple to set up, and it’s all you need to generate six figures per year. In other words, you’ll have a steady flow of loyal readers and paying customers on autopilot.
  • Create a digital product that will continue to sell for years (without worrying about shipping and handling). Digital products are an excellent way to position yourself as an expert while living large on passive income with little effort. You’ll also leave an impression on your audience. (Have you ever wanted to write a best-selling book?)
  • How to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing. I’ll show you how to get paid by referring your audience to other people’s products, so you don’t have to do product creation, shipping, handling, or fulfillment yourself! I generate at least $10,000 per month in passive income using only this method!
  • Coaching for cash. Help members of your audience achieve their goals and make $200/hour (that’s more than a doctor, by the way) while building connections and finding future clients. You can even make $50/hour from home at the very start, with MINIMAL traffic! Not required, but a lucrative option for those who want to go “all-in” online or “all-out” offline.

Module 6 – Writing Articles That Rank & Pay

There’s no need to spend a fortune on advertisements or exude desperation by pleading with friends and family to visit your blog. Here you’ll discover a simple formula for creating compelling on-demand content and how to keep DROVES of strangers glued to your blog and forking over their hard-earned cash to YOU!

  • I will give you a game-changing tool that will change how you structure content and turn every article you publish into a cash cow: The SILO Structure. By far the most important lesson I’ve learned from running my blog. A sophisticated strategy that you can replicate to ensure long-term traffic and passive income.
  • The SILO structure also reveals a world-class SEO strategy that you can use to drive free traffic to your blog, even if you’ve never heard of SEO before.
  • Most blogs are disorganized shambles. However, once you’ve structured your content using the SILO method, your blog will be a well-oiled, traffic-generating MACHINE. And Google will IGNORE all of your competitors while sending thousands of new customers to your blog EVERY DAY (FREE!)
  • I’ve also included worksheets to assist you in creating your SILO structure, making the implementation process so simple that even a kindergartener could do it!
  • The goal isn’t just to be the first result on Google… but also to be the second, third, fourth, or even the entire front page. SILO is your secret weapon for taking over Google’s most valuable real estate by structuring your content so that it DROOLS over it. If you do this, Google will send thousands of strangers to your blog EVERY DAY!

Module 7 – Adding Rocket Fuel to Your Blog’s Traffic

There are two ways to make money blogging. Creating traffic first and then monetizing it second. Here you’ll discover the “growth hacks” I used to build a blogging empire that attracts over 100,000+ new customers per MONTH, generating THOUSANDS of dollars while I sleep!

  • Learn the three fastest ways to grow your audience. We’ll talk about Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram, and word of mouth. I’ll give you a thorough understanding of all three, as well as which ones you should FOCUS on in order to make the most of every second you spend building your blog.
  • I’ll show you how to structure your blog to get TONS of free traffic online using the SEO strategy that gets me 100,000+ new visitors per month. I’ll also show you the two most important keys to “compounding” that traffic and increasing it to unprecedented levels.
  • Get a CLEAR COMPARISON of the top three social media platforms (and how to dominate each one): YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram. Plus, I’ll go over two emerging platforms that, if you play your cards right, could become your primary source of income…
  • Learn how to create long-term trust through social media (no one will buy from someone they don’t believe in). Rather than becoming a slave to these platforms, I’ll show you how to be “Semi-Active,” making the bare minimum of posts while building a loyal following that is head over heels for your content.
  • Is YouTube the next big thing? The figures support this. I’ll show you how to master the platform to drive massive amounts of traffic to your blog. You won’t even need any expensive equipment, let alone a camera worth $1,000 or more. And I’ll tell you how many videos you should upload each month to make the juice worth the squeeze. (HINT: It’s significantly less than you think!)

Module 8 – Using Lead Acquisition to 10x Your Profits

Crowds of strangers will flock to your blog around the clock to buy whatever you’re selling. This funnel transports your ideal audience to your blog, allowing you to earn more money per visitor.

  • The number one reason blogs don’t make money is that they lack a “sales funnel,” which means the blog owners have to do 10x the work for 1/10th the results. On the other hand, you will understand exactly how to build a “blogging machine” that converts visitors into cash FOR YOU, even while you sleep, after purchasing this course and watching this module.
  • You’ll learn about the “Customer’s Journey,” a critical concept that will help you increase your profits. There are three types of “customers,” I’ll show you how to target the most likely to purchase your products, saving you both money and time!
  • More traffic does not always imply more revenue. Learn how to tweak your blog’s articles to attract more “HOT Traffic” (the people most likely to buy your products). True story: I used this concept to turn 15 daily views into $2,500 per month.
  • Building your customer avatar – discover the essential tool expert marketers use to understand their target audience. I’ll show you how to enter their mind like a master psychologists and create content that they can’t help but DEVOUR from beginning to end. This is the ONLY way to connect with your audience that isn’t manipulative!
  • How to write with passion and authority, and create ENGAGING blog posts that your audience will want to read, share, and discuss… even if you couldn’t speak English!
  • Learn about Email Marketing, the best way to make money online. I’ll show you how to create a list of committed buyers who are DYING to buy your products. All you have to do is hit “send” and watch the money roll in.

Module 9 – The Ultimate White Hat SEO Master Class

Get your blog on Google’s first page so that people worldwide can find it (without even looking). This is how companies like HuffPost and Buzzfeed accumulated MILLIONS of readers and dollars without spending a dime on advertising.

  • Search Engine Optimization is the simplest and most dependable method of obtaining free traffic. Discover how to stand out among BILLIONS of Google search results. If you get this right, you can literally “steal” traffic from competitors.
  • Decipher the Google algorithm code. You’ll learn about Google’s inner workings, what they look for, the three most important ranking criteria their algorithm uses to evaluate websites, and examples of great blog topics that can deliver you piles of traffic on a silver platter.
  • SEO is a complex subject that I’ve simplified so much that even your deadbeat cousin could grasp it at breakneck speed. Use insider tips and tricks to drive massive traffic to your blog without wasting time on technical stuff. You’re about to discover strategies that took me 5 years to discover in a matter of days.
  • Discover the MASTER KEY to make small blogs win BIG on Google. There are only 3 metrics you need to keep your eye on for your blog to SOAR in the rankings and get thousands of new customers DAILY.
  • Learn how to create clickable content. Learn how to write blog titles that pique your readers’ interest to the point where they can’t stop reading every word you post.
  • My website contains over 250 articles, many of which earn me more than $100 per day. That’s $36k per year from just ONE article. In other words, SEO is one of the most important web skills. This one module alone is worth the price of the entire course.

Module 10 – Digital Product Auto-Pilot Guide

Let me show you how to multiply your earnings by creating courses, e-books, and other digital products now that you know how to make money online. Create them ONCE, and you can profit from them indefinitely.

  • I’m going to show you how to create a digital product from beginning to end. From coming up with an initial idea to finding the right platform and marketing and monetizing it. In fact, it’s possible to finish your product and snatch up profits in less than a week​(IF you follow this module VERY closely).
  • I’ll show you what great graphic design looks like so you can grab readers by the eyeballs and hold their interest until you’re ready to let go. I’ll teach you how to find a good graphic designer (even if you’re on a budget) who can create a striking book cover, course handout, or whatever else you need.
  • Speaking of which… have you never written an e-Book before? No problem. I’ll walk you through the whole process, from outlining your book to the ideal word count and page length. How to format your book and the optimal price point to supercharge sales. I’ve streamlined the process so anyone can put their ideas into words and get their book out there LIGHTNING fast.
  • The 3 steps you must master to design a world-class marketing campaign that will sell your e-Book, course, or any product you create, like HOTCAKES.
  • How to use a hosting service that will deal with automatic payments so you can kick back and relax while it pours money into your bank on autopilot, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Module 11 – Affiliate Advertising Advanced Tactics

To increase your monthly income by commas, you don’t have to sell anything. Here’s how to make a fortune recommending other people’s products without creating your own!

  • Learn how to earn money by promoting almost any product you want. I’ll show you how to sign up for your first affiliate program in seconds. One good article can you make you THOUSANDS of dollars in affiliate income in just one day!
  • How to find GOOD affiliate programs and avoid the scammy ones. WARNING: Not understanding this cost me over $100,000 in income (a mistake I’ll reveal to you in-depth when you buy this course…)
  • The 3 best affiliate programs​ I recommend will make you substantial passive income even if you’re starting off. These are the 3 affiliate programs that EVERYONE should sign up for.
  • How to create affiliate pages that instill MASSIVE trust in your readers, helping you to stand out from the crowd and boost your SEO simply by making your blog look a little sexier.
  • Keywords are key. Discover how to research great products that don’t have much keyword competition, so you can jump in and take over. Plus, don’t be scared of competitive keywords! Soon you’ll be a keyword powerhouse (even if you’ve never heard of them before), making money in the most competitive markets.

Module 12 – Understanding Important Plugins

Plugins are like “apps” for your blog, and the right “app” can make your life 10x easier. Here you’ll discover the 7 most mission-critical plugins I used to scale my blog from $0 to over $15,000 per month.

  • Learn how I leveraged these 7 critical plugins​to outrank BODYBUILDING.COM for a very specific keyword that generates over $100/day on autopilot (HINT: it’s easier than you think)
  • Discover the best SEO plugin​to 10x your blog traffic, and funnel a steady stream of eager customers to hand you their cold hard cash. This plugin can easily double or triple your blog’s traffic within a matter of WEEKS!
  • Google Search Console – learn how to use this lesser-known tool to double your traffic IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS literally. No joke! By understanding a simple metric called “CTR” or “Click Through Rate,” you can laser-focus specific articles with huge potential for increases!
  • Learn the best SSL plugin​to make your website SECURE. In other words, it “encrypts” your website (behind the scenes), which signals to Google that it is trustworthy, causing them to show your website to thousands of new visitors daily.