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Tuan Vy – The Affiliate Intensive Mastermind

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Tuan Vy—The Affiliate Mastermind Intensive

Tuan Vy – The Affiliate Intensive Mastermind


You will receive In The Affiliate Intensive Mastermind :


“Affiliate Mastermind Intensive”

You can abbreviate it as the A.I.M.


This is perfectly appropriate given that everyone in the group’s goal is to “level up” in

each and every aspect of their game


Because this is my first online mastermind, international participants are welcome.

Finally, we can connect everything in the comfort of your own home…


The Affiliate Intensive Mastermind consists of the following components:


You will have exclusive access to a Private Portal where you will be able to

Videos, PDFs, Case Studies, Follow-Alongs, and Recordings are all available.


This is referred to as the Content Vault Library Members Area.


The goal is to have a centralized location for all content material.

so that you can consume it at your own pace and time


What types of topics will be covered inside The Affiliate Intensive Mastermind?


That’s a good question…


I’ll be sharing everything I know about what it takes from my own experience.

how to succeed as an affiliate and break things down in a how-to format


Examples include…


The High Volume Technique 7 Figure Media Purchases/u> The Traffic Sources I Currently Use Outside of Facebook Verticals and Offers I’m Running
Hiring Media Buyers, Building a Team, and How to Compensate Them
How to Become a Superhuman and Get More Done in a Day Than Others Do in a Week
An Inside Look at My Day-to-Day Operations and Affiliate Business
Developing Your Affiliate Business for Longevity
How to Start an Affiliate Business with Little to No Money Up Front
How to Sell Expensive Courses.
How to Run a High-Priced Workshop
Pricing Strategies and How to Maximize Profit for Yourself
Software and Tools in My Personal Toolbox
My Sales Funnels, Scripts, and Lead Closing Processes.
What Works in Adult Marketing in 2020?
Key Metrics and How I Track and Optimize My Campaigns I keep track of productivity and personal hacks that can help you gain an advantage and reclaim time.
How I Set Up My Accounts and the Banking Side of the Business
Cash Flow Strategies and How to Build a Seven-Figure Advertising Bankroll

Plus a bunch of other stuff that, if I wrote it all down, would be longer than Schindler’s List….


Consider it as me exposing all aspects of the

inner workings of my company with you…


I’ll be sharing information that I’ve only shared with my High-Level Mastermind Attendees…


But that’s not all…


You will also be joining me and the other A.I.M. members.

Weekly Zoom Video Conferencing calls for Q&A…


Yes, every WEEK…


Not once a month or every Blue Moon, as some guys offer…


Every week, we will all get together to answer questions and “Mastermind.”

with one another…


This will provide the “Accountability” and “Support” that most programs require.

are severely deficient…


This way, no questions will go unanswered, and our group will continue to grow.


Also, don’t worry if you can’t make the Weekly Q&As…


They will be recorded and saved in your Content Vault Library.

to watch whenever you want, as many times as you want…


These calls alone will provide an insane amount of value to the

simply because I know some of the current members are

Outside of my field of expertise, experts will be dropping serious knowledge…


I’ll be taking notes… That is true.


The third step will be to create a private Facebook group for A.I.M. members…


This is a way to gain transparency, network, get quick responses, and make genuine connections.

life friends with other Mastermind members


These are ACTUAL People…


It won’t be an imposter hiding behind a screen name in a forum who gives you advice.

his “hottest” suggestions…


And please have faith that business relationships, partnerships, and money WILL be formed.

because of the connections, you make in this group…


The connections alone are invaluable…


I should also point out that this is not a 2-day Mastermind…


A 6-Week Course…


A 30-day Transformation, for example…




This is a ONE-TIME enrollment that will last the LIFETIME of the Mastermind…


Yes, you will still get value from the group several months to a year from now.


You’re probably wondering now, so

“Who is this for?” and “Will This Fit Me?”


That’s a good question…


Let me start by saying who this is NOT for…


This is NOT a Mastermind for people who are naturally toxic.

a negative, closed-minded individual


Sorry, but this isn’t the culture we’re fostering here…


This is also not for you if you believe in cash machines with push buttons…


Or Get Rich Quick Schemes…


If you think this is just a way to keep Tuan at your disposal for whatever reason, think again.

If you have questions, then no….

Certainly not for you.


This is not a one-way street or a means to exploit or abuse me or others.

members, so let’s get that out of the way…


We’re all adults here, and I need to set some realistic expectations…


So this is DEFINITELY not for everyone…




If you are a positive person with real life and business goals,

I’ve been looking for a resource like this to network and push myself.

to the next level, then this is the program for you…


If you are a new Affiliate looking for direction, this is the place to be…


If you are a Super Affiliate who is crushing it but wants to 2-3x your earnings, then YES, this is for you…


If you are tired of struggling with campaigns and require some guidance,

and guidance, then YES, this is for you…


If you are an international resident who has always wanted to but has never been able to travel to

Yes, this is for my In-Person Masterminds…


If you are alone and require the assistance of a Support Network to answer your questions and concerns,

Yes, this is for you if you need assistance navigating these Affiliate waters…


If you’re already crushing it in business but are smart enough to know how to make it even better,

If a single piece of advice or a tip can help you double or triple your income, then YES, this is for you…


If you want to expand your network and meet other successful people,

Affiliates, Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners, this is for you…


If you’re simply fed up with your current situation, then YES, this is for you…


If you understand the POWER of Mastermind, then this is the course for you…


And so on and so forth…