Vinh Giang – Stage Academy

Original price was: $997.00.Current price is: $23.00.

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Vinh Giang – Stage Academy



What You Get in Stage Academy:


The STAGE Academy comprises 7 modules, 41 videos, and 7+ hours of entertaining and educational content in which international keynote speaker Vinh Giang walks you through the fundamentals of communication and presentation. The toolkit you will receive will be helpful not only for on-stage presentations but also for off-stage communications.

Your voice is one of the most complex instruments in the world. But when did you last sit down and learn how to utilize it fully? Vinh will delve into vocal technique, storytelling, body language, and more! Learn to master your instrument once and for all. There will be no stone unturned.

You are only as good as your ability to communicate. You go to the Stage Academy and get better at the things you like about yourself. This makes it easier for you to live the life you want. Stop playing a miniature version of yourself; it’s time to leave your comfort zone and let the bigger version shine. Learn how to find your voice and maximize your potential.

Vocal Mastery

Learn how to master your voice, the essential instrument, to have more impact!


Discover the power of persuasion, connection, and influence through masterful storytelling.

Body Language

Learn the fundamentals of body language to bring your message to life.

Public Speaking

This is one of the essential skills to have as a leader; improve it, and your leadership will grow.

Self Awareness

When you learn to be more self-aware, you will be able to see how others perceive you!


Learn how to create a story library from which you can draw anytime!